In today's rapidly evolving digital era, where the frontiers of AI constantly push the boundaries of what we thought possible, it is crucial for kingdom citizens to seize the opportunity to stay ahead of the curve.


Embracing the light in the digital darkness.


Partner with me on a transformative journey to learn the top AI secrets that will empower you to propel your ministry and business endeavors to new heights.

Harnessing AI to save money and time. 

The best AI sites for kingdom advancement. 

How to not let AI take over Divine Intelligence.

From start-up to start-now with minimal time or financial investment.

Extended session of Question and Answer all about incorporating AI



Goshen is a place of provision in the midst of scarcity, drought & famine. But before you can step into Goshen, you must first come out of the system that is designed to enslave you.

In a time of crisis, there are those who suffer while there are those who thrive. Fireproofing yourself is vital for you to become the head and not the tail.

Kingdom Principles unlock righteous wealth. Find out what you can do now that will position you to gain wealth stored up for the righteous.

God designed you to supply what the Earth is demanding. In this class, learn the dynamics of demand and how it will lead you to your dreams.

The size of your income is directly related to your capacity. Find out how you can increase your capacity to gain more income.

The size of your income is directly related to your capacity. Find out how you can increase your capacity to gain more income.

Empowering Christians to Embrace the Digital Age

Don't get left behind in our rapidly changing world. Instead, get ahead of the change with revelation on how to leverage modern-day systems and technology for Kingdom expansion. 

Purchase Solo Course - $497 USD


Your future is waiting for a version of you that is unafraid and unabashed. But that doesn't mean you won't have fears, it just means those fears won't have you. Join Prophet Tomi in this journey that will teach you how to grow in confidence and move past your insecurities.

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Scripture says that we are being dispatched as sheep among wolves. We can only assume that in the natural, we are at a disadvantage. We live in an age where the smallest sign of your Christianity can get you canceled or killed. So in this course, I want to share with you the secrets that are going to help you navigate in a terrain that is covered by apex predators. 

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Your future is waiting for a version of you that is unafraid and unabashed. But that doesn't mean you won't have fears, it just means those fears won't have you. Join Prophet Tomi in this journey that will teach you how to grow in confidence and move past your insecurities.

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Scripture says that we are being dispatched as sheep among wolves. We can only assume that in the natural, we are at a disadvantage. We live in an age where the smallest sign of your Christianity can get you canceled or killed. So in this course, I want to share with you the secrets that are going to help you navigate in a terrain that is covered by apex predators. 

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Sessions in this Course:

Purchase Solo Course - $497 USD

Sessions in this Course:

Purchase Solo Course - $497 USD

Building GOSHEN with AI with all 3 Courses: 

Save $494 when purchasing all three courses including a total of 16-Sessions. Each session strategically covering AI implementation in life, business, ministry and marketplace. 

Purchase 3-Course Bundle

Embark on a Journey to BUILD Goshen with AI!

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